
วันศุกร์ที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 12 (27/09/2016)

                I've learnt about added game to my CALL. I could do it by click interactions and then learning interactions. After that, I learnt how to add audio in my CALL. I also learnt how to show photo when we point mouse around the words or sentences. On the other hand, I learnt how to show words or sentences when we point mouse around the photos. Moreover, I learnt how to play music when we point mouse around words, sentences, or photos.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 11 (20/09/2016)

               I've learnt about how to construct the test in Adobe Captivate 8. Teacher taught me to construct many kinds of test. There are short answer, multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blank, and matching. First, short answer test, I had to provide the right answer that is possible way that student will answer. Next. multiple choice test, I provided the choices and click in front of the right answer. Next, true or false test, I had to provide sentences and construct the button true and false for student to click. Next, fill in the blank test, I also had to provide the right answer that is possible way that student will answer. and the last type of test is matching, I had to provide the choice in two part and let student match them together correctly. Moreover, I learnt about setting the program appropriately to make my lesson better. Lastly, I can use this knowledge into my study and use in my daily life.

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 10 (13/09/2016)

               This week, I've learnt about how to use program Adobe Captivate 8. Teacher taught me to create Adobe Captivate 8. I created my project by added blank project and chose the size 1024*768. After that, clicked 'create' and chose blank theme. Then, I learnt to use the program. Teacher taught me the way to put student's name in my CALL and I also learnt to add power point into Adobe Captivate 8 program. Then, I learnt how to make the test in this program and link flame into another flame when we click back, previous, home, or any button that you want to link. Moreover, I could add picture, audio, or video in this program also. Importantly, I can use this program to teach or train my student. This program is helpful to me and the students. It can make us more learning and having motivation to learn.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 9 (06/09/2016)

               I've learnt about the research Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Thailand. This research takes a look at its concept, particularly providing a global picture of how CALL emerged in language instruction. It also highlights  the advantages and disadvantages of applying CALL to the success of language learning. Its roles in language teaching and learning, and specifically what types of learning activities are more likely to be successful when applying computer technology to English language teaching in Thailand, are proposed. Then, studies conducted on the use of CALL in the English classroom are provide. The English language curriculum in Thailand has been, therefore, shifted from English as an elective to English as a compulsory subject, with an emphasis on autonomous learning, independent work, and innovations and new technology in English language teaching. Thus, it is undeniable that this scenario has affected all spectrums of English language teaching in Thailand from the standard models of English, the goals and approaches in teaching and assessment, to teacher education and development. Moreover, I learnt about how to use Adobe Captivate 8. We use this program to build our CALL.

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 8 (30/08/2026)

               This week, I've learnt about Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). CALL is defined as "the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning". CALL aims to find ways for using computers for the purpose of teaching and learning the language. Moreover, I've learnt the research about the difficulties and challenges of teacher's integrating computer assisted instruction into teaching. The process of applying new technology in English teaching is challenged English teacher. Applying CALL to teach has become a new trend to advanced countries. There is integration between technology and English teaching efficiently and successfully depends on the teachers’ effort and professional abilities. Moreover, the government and education authorities concerned to put  the emphasis on the need of information technology in school, fostering the coordination of policy and resources. Though this process is difficult and complicated, it can help teachers to build up confidence and consult the innovation. It’s hoped that the difficulties teacher has faced in the study can serve the future reference for improving language learning strategies in college English teacher.

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 7 (16/08/2016)

          I've learnt about false friend. It is words in two languages (or letters in two alphabets) that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning. An example is in English "smart" means เท่ห์, but in Thai "smart" means ฉลาด. Moreover, I learnt about Applying Innovative Spirit to Multimedia Foreign Language Teaching. As a newly-emerged modern foreign language teaching form, multimedia foreign language teaching waits for the test of time. Without any problem in itself, its success depends on whether language teachers are initiative or not, whether they can fully exert the advantages of multimedia teaching to find and solve problems. As long as they deepen their research, sum up experiences and improve teaching methods constantly, multimedia will bring about more positive changes to foreign language teaching and therefore greater achievements will be made in our foreign language teaching.

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 6 (09/08/2016)

           This week, I've learnt about how to use antconc. I searched some words in my antconc and it showed me concordances. I could learn both left and right side from the word I searched. Then, I learnt about the frequency of words. I knew how many time they use that word in my corpus. I realized that kinds of word that they usually used in my corpus that are preposition, article, and noun. Moreover, teacher taught me to use English-Thai parallel corpora online from the link For example, the word "friend" in Thai means เพื่อน, มิตร, and เกลอ. There are different meaning according to nearness.

วันเสาร์ที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 5 (02/08/2016)

           This week, I learnt about meaning of corpus. It was a collection of words and data warehouse. Moreover, I realized how to use corpus lead. Then, I learnt software corpus. There were antconc, wordsmith, and paraconc. Next, teacher taught me to build my corpus. She taught me to copy the information and paste it into notepad. I knew how to saved my information on my computer. The file type would be .txt. Then, she taught me how to check my words that I got into notepad. I could download the antconc program and select the files that I saved. Then, I searched some word in antconc program. It would showed me the way of word being in the sentences. Next, clicked on word list and start to search the word again. Then, the antconc program showed me how many words I got into my notepad. I had to get more than 50,000 words into my notepad and I did it.

วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 4 (25/07/2016)

                I've learnt about corpus Linguistics by Mr.Kriangkrai Vathanalaoha. He taught me to select a very good book that was "A good introduction". After that, I knew the meaning of corpus. It was a collection of word and a theory or methodology of Language. Next, I learnt about historical overview. Corpus began in 1897s and 1950s-1960s Chomsky believed that introspection is more important than empiricism. The case for introspection showed that language performance was biased because real life is biased. For example, more case of "I live in New York" vs "I live in Dayton Ohio". In contrast, the case for empiricism showed that introspective data was observable. Then, I learnt about Types of corpus. There were seven types of corpus(Specialised corpus, General corpus, Multilingual corpus, Parallel corpus, Learner corpus, Historical or Diachronic corpus, and Monitor corpus). After that, I learnt about processes in corpus linguistics. Frequencies were how many frequency we used words. Then. concordances were all the instances of a word in a corpus, presented in their context. Next, collocations were words that always used with words we search in corpus such as wash was always used with the word "pedestal". Next, distribution information was about which group of people that used words in corpus. Then, Dispersion plots were the words that occurred in a corpus. For instance, the word happy was always in the final of the story. After that, I learnt about observing hidden meaning. I knew the phrase "In broad daylight". It occurred in the negative sentence. Moreover, I realized the phrase "swanning around". It also occurred in the negative sentence. Importantly, I knew how to use BNCweb and find the words in corpus. 

วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 3 (22/07/2016)

          I joined the seminar of my major. The lecturer is Professor Dr.Budsaba Kanoksilapatham from Silpakorn University. I've learnt about Linguistics and Language Teaching. First, I learnt skills that every teacher needs to have. There were teaching methods/pedagogy and linguistic competence. Then, I learnt phonetics and phonology. The lecturer taught me how to produce the letter h, the consonant sounds (think, thank, them, the), and the vowel sounds (guess, said, bread, friend, full-fool, back-bag). Next, I did the pre-test examination about intonation. After that the lecturer showed me how to stress the words from the pre-test examination. For instance, amaze, jealous, average, catastrophe, idealistic, complementary, etc. Then, I learnt about morphology. I knew the collocations such as black and white. I also learnt about syntax such as subjunctive vs indicative mood (It is necessary that he be punctual.). Then, I learnt pragmatics that was cross cultural pragmatics. For example, your boss told you that it is time for you to get a new watch! It meant you were late! After that, I knew about sociolinguistics that was using language in the different situation such as Hi! What's up? vs Good morning! Next, I learnt about lexical semantics.  I realized British English and American English. For example, flat and apartment were the same meaning but flat was British English and apartment was American English. Moreover, I learnt about shades of meaning such as to surprise was less intensed than to astound. Then, I learnt about discourse that was written vs spoken language in English, I also learnt about corpus linguistics. After that, I learnt about linguistic research skills as well. It was about subject-verb agreement. Furthermore, I knew some technique that made me good at learning. It was hear-forget, see-remember, do-learn. Importantly, I could apply all of the information from Professor Dr.Budsaba Kanoksilapatham to develop my English skills and use it in the future.

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 2 (12/07/2016)

          I have learnt about how to add gadgets on my blog. Teacher let me find a clock and calendar for weblog. After that, teacher told me how to get code from the internet and put it into the gadget on my blog. Then, I learnt to add QR code and counter on my blog. Next, I added video to my blog and I learnt to resize the video for suitability.  I also knew how to add and link to my friends. Moreover, I realized the way to write the articles and create my profile on weblog. I knew how to save and share the article on public.

Learning Log 1 (05/07/2016)

           I have learnt about the basic of using computer for teaching and studying English language. Then, I knew lot of new acronyms that are ESOL(English for Speakers of Other Languages), TESOL(Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages), ELL(English Language Learner), PDF(Portable Document Format), ESL(English as a Second Language), EFL(English as a Foreign Language), and ELT(English Language Teaching). Moreover, I realized some words that are Techie(a person who is skilled in the use of technological devices, such as computers), Technophobe(fear of or aversion to technology, especially computers and high technology), Synchronous(occurring at the same time but different place), and Asynchronous(occurring at the different time and different place) Importantly, I learnt how to make weblog. Before I had weblog, I had to have my own Gmail because we used Gmail to log in weblog. Then, I learnt how to add template for my blog.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Homework 1

These are the abbreviations I have learnt in class.

IT (Information Technology) is the application of computers to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other enterprise.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is an extended term for information technology (IT) which stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications, computers as well as necessary enterprise softwaremiddleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) is the use of the computer as a tool to facilitate and improve instruction. CAI programs use tutorials, drill and practice, simulation, and problem solving approaches to present topics, and they test the student's understanding. 

CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) is the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning.

CMC (Computer Mediated Communication) is defined as any human communication that occurs through the use of two or more electronic devices.

TELL (Technology-enhanced language Learning) is the use of the computer as a technological innovation to display multimedia as a means of complementing a teaching method langauge teachers. 

WBI (Web-based Instruction) is teaching and learning supported by the attributes and resources of the Internet.

MUDs (Multi-user Dungeon / Multi-user Dimension) is multiplayer real-time virtual world, usually text-based. MUDs combine elements of role-playing gameshack and slashplayer versus playerinteractive fiction, and online chat.

MOOs (Multiple Domain Object Oriented) is MOOs are network accessible, multi-user, programmable, interactive systems well-suited to the construction of text-based adventure games, conferencing systems, and other collaborative software.

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